on to the path

I have got to know Nandu very well professionally as a coach. He has a deep knowledge of human psychology theory and combined with his practical management experience background and coaching techniques, provided a high-impact style of support to me. He has a distinctive and natural sense of humour which makes the sessions engaging. His approach instilled in me a kind of action seeking, deadline based routine which has phenomenally increased my performance in life. Nandu has been helping me with an assortment of goal areas including my new business start-up, book writing, levels of motivation and personal family issues amongst others. These reflect a wide range of factors on increasingly sensitive issues, which indicates the level of trust and rapport between us. It's been a real pleasure to have him as my coach.
Paul Dixon
L&D Trainer & Coach,
Stockport, UK
"Nandu is a brilliant, insightful and accomplished coach, whose tenacity and structure helped me in the most varied of situations. I came away from his sessions feeling challenged, energised and ready to go. I was pushed, to both think and act in a more focused fashion, and I'm thankful for it. Nandu’s coaching was extremely professional and effective on every occasion. His coaching style is very structured. I found myself opening up to new realizations and insights thru Nandu’s simple yet insightful approach. Nandu was also able to engage with me on a spiritual level, something which is very important to me.
My overall impression of Nandu is one of professionalism, enthusiasm and insight.
"I have been coached by Nandu and the experience has helped me get direction and control on issues ranging from my health and happiness to getting more clarity on my business goals and marketing plans. He particularly helped me become more aware of how to keep my motivational levels up. He has a real sense/gift of using appropriate questioning at appropriate times when they are most effective, thus bringing about the best result. He also makes sure that he gives his client enough time to think and reflect to derive real value from his coaching. I would certainly use his services again and would recommend him to anyone who is looking for an effective coach.
Deepti Goyal
Stressless Happiness
London, UK
Liga Dzene
erstwhile Leader- Cobra Group
Bristol, UK
Nandu coached me and I got loads of benefits in terms of my personal growth. As a coach he challenged me to think outside the box and his sheer enthusiasm helped me in focusing and attaining my goals. Nandu is a positive and success driven person and it rubbed off on me as a client. After each session, I always felt inspired to work harder. Nandu’s knowledge in coaching principles is robust and he uses the GROW model very systematically. His intention is to develop himself as the best possible coach that he can be and he wants his clients to succeed and have better life.
I thought I was quite good at sorting out issues and planning tasks however during the coaching sessions with Nandu I became aware that I was not thinking enough about what my options were and therefore potentially embarking on the wrong path. The sessions with Nandu gave me a lot more clarity and focus on my options which in turn helped me map out a better direction. Having completed coaching with him, I am now better equipped to achieve the goals I set for myself.
Steve Smith
SJS Ventures Limited
Agnieszka Brukszo
I have been coached by Nandu on the topic of my career change from corporate world to my own business development. The sessions were set up in a professional way from the beginning to the end. I was able to raise my awareness and explore many options being both challenged and encouraged to do so. I have started my own company and have moved rapidly in accordance with the plan I chartered with my coach. Nandu asked all the right questions and preserved full rapport and his high sense of understanding gave me the necessary support and enlightened thoughts. Many thanks Nandu
Nandu coached me at a time when my organisation was undergoing significant change and the sessions helped me to focus on the outcomes I wanted from this re-organisation and on my longer-term career and personal goals. In particular, sessions on influencing, negotiation and sales were very useful. I achieved a lot from the sessions as Nandu gave me the space I needed to express myself and to develop ideas and actions. His corporate knowledge was also key as he was able to focus questions at specific work areas and situations helping me to overcome many perceived obstacles
Bernie Fay
Service Development Officer
Southwark Council
London, UK
Liza Lewelyn
Lifesuccess Consultant
Manchester, UK
The sessions with Nandu really helped me to get my various activities much better organized. Nandu asked some great questions during the coaching sessions that really made me stop in my tracks and think about what I was doing, or planning to do. With this clearer thinking, I was able to analyse my actions better and see how much they did or didn’t align with my purpose and goals. My goals started appearing clearer after the sessions and Nandu's listening skills were very good. The coaching sessions were definitely useful for me.
We worked on my business and personal goals and Nandu kept me motivated. He always asked me questions that were thought provoking and challenging. He encouraged me to set deadlines and stick to them. He was always professional and kept me focused on my goals. We had a good rapport and I always felt positive and energized after our sessions.
Amanda O'Reilly
Mind Muscle Gym
Sushil Shah
Enterprise Data Architect
CLS Group, UK
First of all, let me thank you for being such a good coach and listener during my toughest time. Your non-judgemental listening and ‘to the point’ prompts, helped me discover my inner feelings. Your ability to understand the emotional state and slowly but purposefully guide behaviour changes, helped me face my own challenges. With your stakeholder management help, I am able to understand the situation and circumstances; take actions that guide me with confidence. I am slowly but surely making progress gaining self-belief and confidence.